发布时间:2023-09-08     浏览次数:


吕沙沙  副教授,博士生导师




吕沙沙,副教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师。入选第八届中国科协“青年托举人才”,现为中国核学会射线束分会委员、中国核学会辐照效应分会委员。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金、多项全国重点实验室和省部级重点实验室基金项目、横向项目等,共计10余项。担任国自然企业联合基金课题负责人等。博士毕业于清华大学,并于2016-2017年在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学TUDelft交流学习,曾获清华大学“优秀博士论文”、清华大学“未来学者”、清华大学“国家奖学金”等荣誉称号。在Nature CommunicationsJournal of Nuclear MaterialsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,因子17。获得北京师范大学优秀班主任,优秀支部书记等荣誉称号,指导多名研究生获得国家奖学金、校级奖学金等荣誉。



1. 射线束辐照效应与应用

2. 辐射探测材料和极端环境材料

3. 辐照表面改性和损伤模拟

4. 核分析技术在材料领域的交叉应用



1.    Lv Shasha, et al., Operando neutron depth profiling on monitoring the lithium spatial distribution of lithium metal. Nature Communications, 2018, 9:2152.

2.    Gao J, Lv Shasha*, et al.,Fuel cladding chemical interactions for MOX fuel in fast reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 424 (2024) 113208.

3.    Du S J, Lv Shasha*, et al., Analyzing the Surface Passivity Effect of Germanium Oxynitride: A Comprehensive Approach through First Principles Simulation and Interface State Density. Nuclear Science and Techniques, (2024) 35:45.

4.    Zhao Y, Lv Shasha*, et al., Microstructure and defect evolution of nuclear graphite under temperature-dependent ion irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2023, 577: 154308.

5.    Gao J, Zhao Y, Yeli G, Lv Shasha*, et al., Surface modification of ET-10 graphite by helium irradiation and preoxidation: morphology, microstructure and chemical states. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2023, 574:154173.

6.    Lv Shasha*, et al., The irradiation effects on the nanoindentation hardness and helium bubbles evolution mechanism of Ni-based alloy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 206 (2023) 110763.

7.    Lv Shasha*, et al., The structure evolution in neutron-Irradiated nuclear graphite and post-annealing. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2022, 197: 110156.

8.    Zhao Y, JinY, L, Lv Shasha*, et al., The Wigner energy and defects evolution of graphite in neutron-irradiation and annealing. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2022, 201: 110401.

9.    Wang Yazi, Lv Shasha*, et al., Review on incorporation of alkali elements and their effects. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 96 (2022) 179.

10.  Lv Shasha*, et al., Helium behavior and vacancy-defect evolution in nickel-base alloy by helium ion beam irradiation and annealing. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2022, 1-9.

11.  Shen Z Q, Gao J, Lv Shasha*, et al., OKMC simulation of vacancy enhanced solute segregation affected by temperature/irradiation in Fe-Cu system. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2022, 33:149.

12.  Shen Y H, Lv Shasha*, et al., Microstructure Characterization and Small Punch Test Analysis in Nickel-Based Alloy 617 by High Energy Neon Implantation. Metals, 2022, 12, 438.

13.  Gao J, Lv Shasha*, et al., Simulation of Primary Knock-on Atom distribution in HTGR graphite under neutron and ion irradiation [J]. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B, 2021, 492: 15-22.

14.  Lv Shasha*, et al., Evaluation of the passivation effect and the first-principles calculation on surface termination of germanium detectors. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2021, 32:93.

15.  Lv Shasha*, et al., Neutron Depth Profiling Study on 6Lithium and 10Boron Contents of Nuclear GraphiteJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2021, 1902874.

16.  Zhu Rui, …, Lv ShaSha*. Evolution of helium bubbles in nickel-based alloy by post-implantation annealing. Chin. Phys. B, 30, 8 (2021) 086102.

17.  Shuaishuai Feng, Lv Shasha*, et al., Evolution of Ion Irradiated Point Defect Concentration by Cluster Dynamics Simulation, Chin. Phys. B, 30, 5 (2021) 056105

18.  Lv Shasha*, et al., Neutron Depth Profiling Study on 6Lithium and 10Boron Contents of Nuclear Graphite [J]. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2021, 58(9): 1018-1024.