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吴 彬 副教授 博士 邮 编:100875 E-mail:bwu6@bnu.edu.cn |
2018.04~2019.07 美国密歇根大学机械工程系博士后
2017.06~2018.02 美国橡树岭国家实验室中子散射部博士后
2013.08~2017.06 美国田纳西大学物理和天文系博士后
2009.08~2013.08 美国伦斯勒理工学院机械、航天、核工系博士
2006.09~2009.06 清华大学工程物理系硕士
2002.09~2006.06 清华大学工程物理系学士
1. 基于机器学习的软物质小角中子散射谱分析方法研究
2. 玻璃化转变机制研究
3. 复杂流体的流变属性研究
4. 人体内污染直接测量
1. Bin Wu, Takuya Iwashita, Takeshi Egami,“Atomic Dynamics in SimpleLiquid: de Gennes Narrowing Revisited”, Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120(13): 135502-135507.
2. Bin Wu,Zhitong Bai, Amit Misra, Yue Fan,“Atomistic mechanism andprobability determination of the cutting of Guinier-Preston zones by edgedislocations in dilute Al-Cu alloys”, Physical Review Materials, 2020, 4(2):020601-020606.
3. Bin Wu, Yun Liu, Xin Li, Eugene Mamontov, Alexander I Kolesnikov, Souleymane O Diallo, Changwoo Do, Lionel Porcar, Kunlun Hong, Sean C Smith, LiLiu, Gregory S Smith, Takeshi Egami, Wei Ren Chen,“Charge-Dependent Dynamicsof a Polyelectrolyte Dendrimer and Its Correlation with Invasive Water”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(13): 5111-5117.
4. Kevin Chen, Bin Wu*, Lilin He, Gregory S Smith,Changwoo Do, Guan-RongHuang,Gaibo Zhang,Yangyang Wang*, Strain heterogeneity in sheared colloidsrevealed by neutron scattering, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(9): 6050-6054
5. Bin Wu,BoutheinaKerkeni, Takeshi Egami,Changwoo Do, Yun Liu,YongmeiWang, Lionel Porcar, Kunlun Hong, Sean C Smith, Emily L Liu, Gregory S Smith, Wei Ren Chen,“Structured water in polyelectrolyte dendrimers: Understandingsmall angle neutron scattering results through atomistic simulation”, Journalof Chemical Physics, 2012, 136(14): 144901-144909