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学术报告:Investigation of the distribution of localised and extended states in amorphous MoOx
发布时间:2017-09-18     浏览次数:

题目:Investigation of the distribution of localised and extended states in amorphous MoOx
报告人: Gillian Gehring    英国谢菲尔德大学教授
时间:2017919日  10:30
  Gillian A. Gehring1965年在英国Oxford大学获博士学位;1965年至1989年,一直在Oxford大学任教;1989年至2006年,Sheffield大学物理系教授,期间曾任物理系主任;2006年至今,Sheffield大学物理系荣誉教授。
  Gillian A. Gehring教授是英国物理学上的第二位女教授、大英帝国勋章获得者、Leverhulme名誉会员、欧洲物理学会会员。主持过多项英国EPSRCRoyal SocietyLeverhulme的基金项目,在Nature MaterialsPhys Rev LettPhys. Rev B等刊物上发表200余篇论文,多次在国际会议上作邀请报告。
  报告摘要:Amorphous films of MoOx have both structural disorder and also chemical disorder for x<3.  These films are used as hole doners and acceptors in organic devices, OLEDs and OPVs.  We have shown that this disorder can introduce localised states in thin films and have shown that the existence of localised states can be deduced from the XPS data that identifies the relevant occupations of different ionisation states of the Mo ions. Localisation depends on both the oxygen concertation and the method of fabrication.  We have also shown that magneto-optical dichroism is also a powerful technique to determine the energy distribution of localised and delocalised states.  
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